November has arrived!
9 months ago, Mendota 289
November Calendar
Two more days of Red Ribbon Week!
9 months ago, Mendota 289
Two more days
This is a reminder that Wednesday, October 25 is an Early Dismissal at 11:30. Este es un recordatorio de que el miércoles 25 de octubre hay una salida temprana a las 11:30.
9 months ago, Mendota 289
Wednesday Early Dismissal
Can you find all three logos in this post? Northbrook-Spartan Lincoln-Lion paw print Blackstone-Bear paw print-Bonus point for the M289 logo
9 months ago, Mendota 289
Thank you! ¡Gracias!
No School-Friday, October 20th ¡Recordatorio de que no hay clases el viernes 20 de octubre!
9 months ago, Mendota 289
No School Friday
Reminder: Tuesday the 17th and Thursday the 19th are Parent-Teacher Conferences from 3:30 PM to 7:00 PM. Please see the flier for addition information. There will be no after school homework club during the week of the 16th due to conferences. The after school program will resume on October 24th.
9 months ago, Elyssa Albers
Can you find all three logos? Northbrook-Spartan Lincoln-Lion paw print Blackstone-Bear paw print
10 months ago, Mendota 289
Did you find all three?
On Wednesday November 1, at 6:00 pm, Holy Cross Will be hosting our 7th and 8th grade boys basketball team at Mendota High School. The attached flyer has a link for shirts. All profits will go toward our local food pantry. We are excited to be invited to such a great local fundraiser!
10 months ago, Mendota #289
hoop for the hungry
Reminder that there is No School on Monday, October 9th! ¡Recordatorio de que no hay clases el lunes 9 de octubre!
10 months ago, Mendota 289
No School Monday
Our Club's Choice Fundraiser kicks off today! Students will be bringing home order forms and more information.
10 months ago, Elyssa Albers
The last day for Scholastic Book Fair at Blackstone/Lincoln School is Friday!
10 months ago, Mendota 289
Scholastic Book Fair
District 289 Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up October 17th and 19th. See the posted information below. We can't wait to see you! ❤️💛💙
10 months ago, Elyssa Albers
Answer: True
10 months ago, Mendota 289
True or False
Have you been using the school events calendar? Make sure to take a peek and see what upcoming events are happening!
10 months ago, Mendota 289
Events Calendar
This is a reminder that Wednesday, September 20 is an Early Dismissal at 11:30. Este es un recordatorio de que el miércoles 20 de septiembre hay una salida temprana a las 11:30.
10 months ago, Mendota 289
Secured Entrances September 15, 2023 Hopefully all of our parents have been on campus already to see the new secured entrances at each building. In all three student attendance centers, another set of doors has been added to help keep our kids safe and make our flow of traffic more efficient. I could not be more proud of our recent campus improvements, as we work hard to make Mendota #289 the best that it can be for our kids! Please reach out with any questions that you may have by dropping me a note at Be safe. Be well. K. Bradley Cox Superintendent of Schools *********************************************************************** Entradas seguras 15 de septiembre de 2023 Esperemos que todos nuestros padres ya hayan estado en el campus para ver las nuevas entradas seguras en cada edificio. En los tres centros de asistencia estudiantil, se agregó otro juego de puertas para ayudar a mantener seguros a nuestros niños y hacer que nuestro flujo de tráfico sea más eficiente. ¡No podría estar más orgulloso de nuestras recientes mejoras en el campus, mientras trabajamos duro para hacer de Mendota #289 lo mejor posible para nuestros niños! Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese conmigo enviándome una nota a Cuidense. Que esten bien. K. Bradley Cox Superintendente de Escuelas
11 months ago, Mendota 289
Secured Entrances
“All right, Monday, one-day, Tuesday, two-day, Wednesday, when? huh? what day?...” Happy Wednesday! Would you like to be on the substitute list for Mendota District 289? Have you completed the necessary steps with ROE35? If so, give us a call to fill out paperwork with District 289- (815) 539-7631. Attached you will find steps on applying for a substitute license.
11 months ago, Mendota 289
Sub License
Just a reminder - Order forms and money for our Pastry Puffin fundraiser are due by this Friday, September 8th. Funds raised will be used for some really great student prizes for our positive behavior assemblies at all three school this year.
11 months ago, Elyssa Albers
Happy Wednesday! If you need guidance with anything throughout the school year please do not hesitate to call. Working together we can continue to make each year a greater success. Below are the numbers for each school. K-1 Blackstone 815-539-6888 2-4 Lincoln 815-538-6226 5-8 Northbrook 815-539-6237 District Office 815-539-7631
11 months ago, Mendota 289
The sun is shining!
2023 Lil' Cheer Camp at Mendota High School. Eligible campers include boys and girls in grades K-8th. Due to changes in the football schedule, the performance will occur on Saturday instead of Friday this year. It is not a typo in case families ask. Please contact if you have any questions.
11 months ago, Elyssa Albers